We get our books through a combination of directly purchasing new books from publishers, buying second-hand books from customers, and the generous donations of our super rad patrons. Got questions? We’ve got answers. Read on.

Do you trade books?

Pretty Good Books does not trade books or offer in-store credit. We do, however, occasionally purchase books for cash. We are constantly updating our Facebook and Instagram pages with the categories of books we are looking for, so keep a weather eye for those. If you aren’t into Social Media, we have a flyer on our announcement board that lists the genres we are currently buying (or, feel free to ask!).

We will always graciously accept donations.

How much do you pay for books?

We don’t offer a set price per book. When we purchase books from customers we consider the following:

  • The Book’s Condition — The first and most important factor. The factor to rule all factors, and in the darkness bind them. If the book is water-damaged, mildewy, or written-in we can’t resell them. We will be happy to recycle them for you, but can’t pay for them. We may still accept library markings, shelf wear, missing dust jackets, but these factors will affect the amount we can pay for the book.

  • The Edition’s Age — Unless you’re dealing with a first edition or a classic title, most folks would rather stick with the crisper, newer stuff. Age is one of the things we consider.

  • Paperback vs. Hardcover — Paperbacks tend not to suffer the travails of reading life quite as well as hardcovers, and so tend to be worth less.

  • How In-Demand is this Title / Topic / Author? Obscure finds are the delight of any reader, but they can also be a harder to move out of the store. Likewise, some authors or popular titles can saturate the market, meaning we get a billion, say, Nora Roberts, or DaVinci Codes, but have a hard time selling them. Finding the books that are in the sweet spot of desirability and demand are what we’re after.

Pretty Good Book’s Facebook and Instagram accounts frequently put out calls for a particular genre. We will occasionally consider other books as well, on a case by case basis. Stay tuned!

Do you accept donations?

Yes, we do! Bring them by the store and we will take care of the rest.